Xiaoqin Elaine Li
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Light-matter interaction.
- Quantum engineering of materials: moiré superlattices of semiconductors (quantum simulator).
- Magnetic materials and devices.
- Quantum sensing: spin defects in layered materials.
- Compound semiconductor metrology: wafer size scanning in 30 minutes.
- Materials for quantum transduction between microwave and optical photons.
Xiuling Li
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Compound semiconductor epitaxial growth
- Optoelectronics
- High frequency/power electronics
- Passive photonics and electronics
- Quantum sensing: deterministic spin defects in scalable hosts (hBN, SiC, etc.)
- Quantum transduction: III-N alloys
- Nanowire-based optoelectronics
- Integrated photonics
Edoardo Baldini
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Discovery of novel quantum phases.
- Light-induced phase transitions.
- Cavity quantum materials
- Terahertz-speed 2D quantum devices
- Magnetic, ferroelectric, superconducting devices
- Extreme nonlinear optics and polaritonics
- New material platforms for topological quantum computing
Alexander A Demkov
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Integration of complex oxides with semiconductors.
- Controlling the interface between dissimilar materials using Zintl phases.
- All-oxide quantum wells and superlattices.
- Strain tuning of electronic properties.
- Oxidation and growth mechanisms of oxides on semiconductors.
Feliciano Guistino
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Condensed Matter Theory
- Computational Materials Science
- High-Performance Computing
Jim Chelikowsky
Professor, Departments of Physics, Chemical Engineering, and Chemistry
Research Interests
- Quantum models for functionalized nanostructures
- High performance algorithms for material properties
- Discovery and design of materials using machine learning and computation.
Nick Hunter-Jones
Professor, Department of Physics & Computer Science
Research Interests
- Random quantum circuits.
- Unitary designs. Quantum complexity.
- Quantum simulation.
- Demonstrations of quantum advantage.
Matteo Ippoliti
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Dynamics of quantum information: Understanding thermal equilibrium and its exceptions, protecting quantum information from noise, efficiently learning quantum states
- Many-body physics experiments on quantum computers
- Classical simulation of quantum computers and quantum matter: Tensor networks, physics-informed algorithm development
Keji Lai
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Variable-temperature Near-field microwave imaging with 10nm resolution.
- Noninvasive mapping of local dielectric constant and conductivity at 0.1 – 20 GHz.
- Spatiotemporal photoconductivity: carrier diffusion, lifetime, mobility.
- Topological quantum materials at ultralow temperatures and high magnetic fields.
- Optomechanical devices, topological phononics, and quantum acoustics.
Paul Kunz
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Quantum states of atoms and light for new applications of quantum information science.
- Rydberg atom-based electric field sensing.
- Atom-cavity platforms for quantum memory.
Jia Leo Li
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Quantum engineering of van der Waals 2D materials
- Quantum transport and microwave techniques
- Quantum phases of matter with novel interplay of correlation and topology
- New generation quantum circuitry
Allan MacDonald
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Interaction effects in the quantum Hall effect of graphene.
- Differences between the Fermi liquid properties of graphene and an ordinary non-relativistic two-dimensional electron system in a quantum well.
- Current-induced-torque phenomena including induced torques in antiferromagnetic metals.
- Rapidly rotating bosons (the boson quantum Hall effect), fermionic atom systems near a Feshbach resonance, and quasi-one-dimensional atomic systems.
- Excitonic superfluidity in quantum Hall systems and the properties of the one-dimensional electron systems that exist at quantum Hall edges.
- Bulk ferromagnetism in the nanoparticle limit, and in transport through arrays of either paramagnetic or ferromagnetic particles.
Ken Shih
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators.
- Twisted 2D materials: Moire quasicrystals and commensurate moire crystals at large twist angles.
- Current-induced-torque phenomena including induced torques in antiferromagnetic metals.
- Time-solved ARPES study of 2D Ag as a large indirect gap semiconductor.
Deji Akinwande
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Flexible Electronics.
- Carbon Electronics.
- New Nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology and RF Electronics for Brain/Neurotechnology.
Jonathan Baker
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Quantum computing architecture.
- Practical execution of quantum error correction.
- Quantum compilation, synthesis, multi-radix architectures, and error mitigation.
Sanjay Banerjee
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- MOS and nanostructure device modeling
- UHVCVD for Si-Ge-C heterostructure devices
- Ultra-shallow junction technology and process modeling
Ray T. Chen
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Nano-photonic passive and active devices for bio- and EM-wave sensing and interconnect applications.
- Thin film guided-wave optical interconnection, computing and packaging for 2D and 3D laser beam routing and steering.
- True time delay (TTD) wide band phased array antenna (PAA).
- 3D printed micro-electronics and photonics.
Seth Bank
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Nanophotonic devices
- Chipscale photonics
- Single photon and photon-number resolved detectors (avalanche photodiodes)
- Entangled photon generation (designer nonlinear materials)
- Chipscale integration (epitaxial regrowth)
David Burghoff
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Quantum optoelectronics and band structure engineering.
- Long wavelength quantum and nonlinear photonics.
- Mid-infrared and terahertz sources and detectors.
- Terahertz sensing.
- Frequency combs.
Poulami Das
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Quantum Programming: Application and device specific compilation, Software error mitigation.
- Quantum Error Correction: Software scheduling, Architecture for error detection, System-level architectures.
- Quantum Cloud Services: Efficient quantum resource management, Quantum job (user program) scheduling.
Linran Fan
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Integrated Photonics.
- Quantum Information.
- Nonlinear Optics.
- Hybrid quantum system.
Jean Anne Incorvia
Associate Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Magnetic Logic Devices and Circuits.
- Neuromorphic Computing.
- Spintronics using 2D TMD Materials.
- Materials for Magnetic Tunnel Junctions.
- Ultra-Scaled Transistors using 2D Materials.
- New Spintronic 2D Materials
Ruochen Lu
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Piezoelectric micro electromechanical systems (MEMS)
- Low-loss (high Q) acoustic structure with high coupling between electrical and acoustics (high k2) at GHz
- Design, microfabrication, and testing of transducers and waveguides for quantum/photonic platforms, e.g., suspended thin films (lithium niobate, scandium aluminum nitride), and solidly mounted thin films (lithium niobate on sapphire and lithium niobate on silicon carbide)
David Z. Pan
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Design automation for digital/analog/mixed-signal ICs and systems
- Design for manufacturability/reliability/security
- Machine learning and hardware acceleration
- Optical computing and interconnect
- CAD for emerging technologies and applications
- Vertical integration of architecture, CAD/circuit, and technology
Shyam Shankar
Assistant Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Superconducting quantum circuits
- Quantum circuits with super/semi hybrid Josephson junctions
- Ultra-low-noise microwave amplifiers
- Quantum simulation and quantum error-correction experiments with bosonic systems
Emanuel Tutuc
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Rotationally Controlled van der Waals Heterosturctures.
- Controlled Moiré Patterns of 2D Materials.
- Resonant Tunneling and Exciton Condensates in Double Layers of 2D Materials.
- Growth of Germanium, Silicon Nanowires and Core-Shell Heterostructures.
Dan Wasserman
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Enhancing light-matter interaction from visible to THz wavelengths
- Quantum engineering of epitaxial materials: superlattices, quantum nanostructures, heterostructure engineering.
- Photonic integrated circuits and nonlinear photonics for on-chip optoelectronics on Si substrates
- Photonic funnels, plasmonics, and metamaterials for nanoscale light confinement and optical probes
- High efficiency, low-SWaP semiconductor lasers, detectors, modulators and sensors across the EM spectrum.
- Opto-mechanical systems for hierarchical transduction: thermal-optical-electronic-mechanical.
Edward T. Yu
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Research Interests
- Semiconductor materials and solid-state nanostructures: Strain engineering in semiconductors; Quantum light emission; Renewable energy (PV, PEC); Resistive switching phenomena
- Nanoscale materials characterization: Proximal probe techniques for electronic, optical, thermal, electromechanical characterization at the nanoscale.
- Large-area, nanoscale patterning by self-assembly patterning with <100nm resolution; new self-assembly techniques enable patterning speeds of >200 cm2/min;
- Broadband, omnidirectional anti-reflective surfaces, structural color, nanoparticle-based materials, physically unclonable structures, etc.
Carlos Baiz
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Research Interests
- Ultrafast multidimensional infrared spectroscopy – pulse shaping.
- Machine learning for denoising/high-dimensional data analysis.
- Ultrafast nano-IR microscopy.
- Picosecond molecular dynamics in the condensed phase.
- Mixed quantum-classical simulations.
- Low-temperature glasses.
- Nanocrystal lattices.
Graeme Henkelman
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Research Interests
- Saddle point finding methods.
- Long timescale dynamics.
- Chemistry at surfaces.
- Nanoparticle catalysis.
- Bader charge density analysis.
- Materials for rechargeable ion batteries.
- Machine learning for atomistic simulation.
Sean Roberts
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Research Interests
- Controlling Electron Spin in Organic Materials: Light Upconversion and Downconversion for energy capture, sensing, and catalysis; optical preparation of spin-entangled states.
- Organic : Inorganic Heterostructures: Engineering strong coupling for energy/charge exchange
- Imaging Ultrafast Dynamics: Transient Absorption Microscopy with ~100 fs time resolution and ~50 nm spatial resolution; Optical Probing of Buried Interfaces
Yuanyue Liu
Assistant Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
- Atomistic modeling methods to understand, design and discover materials for electronics and energy applications.
- Electronic transport, electrocatalysis, 2D materials, and semiconductors.
Li Shi
Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
- Heterogeneous Integration of Emerging Electronic and Thermal Management Materials.
- Thermal Science and Engineering of Quantum Materials and Hardware.
- Thermal Materials for Decarbonization of Heat and Fuel.
Jamie Warner
Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
- Aberration corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Materials Chemistry: Synthesis, Functionalization, and Processing
- Nanoscale Electronic and Opto-electronic Devices
- Catalysts and Energy Materials
Wennie Wang
Assistant Professor, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
- Optoelectronic properties of semiconductors
- Defects, surfaces, and interfaces
- Catalysis, neuromorphic computing, defect-based quantum computing
Scott Aaronson
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Research Interests
- The capabilities and limits of quantum computers
- Computational complexity theory
Srinivas V. Bettadpur
Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Research Interests
- Orbital Mechanics, Perturbations, and Orbit Determination
- Space Geodesy (Earth's Shape, Orientation & Gravity Field)
- Modeling, Determination and Interpretation of Gravity Field
- Space Mission Design
- Data Processing and Numerical Methods
Junyeong Ahn
Assistant Professor, Departments of Physics
Research Interests
- Quantum condensed matter theory: Topology and correlation in quantum matter.
- Quantum theory of light-matter interaction: Nonlinear transports and optics, Floquet theory, and cavity quantum electrodynamics
- Quantum information in condensed matter: Quantum geometry and quantum entanglement
Yi Lu
Professor, Departments of Chemistry
Research Interests
- Computational design and directed evolution of artificial metalloenzymes as environmentally benign biocatalysts for renewable energy generation and pharmaceutical drug syntheses.
- Engineer biocatalysts to address challenges in synthetic inorganic and organic chemistry and applications of novel biocatalysts in synthetic biology for biomass conversion, valuable products generation.
- Design and selection of sensors and imaging agents for metal ions, metabolites and glycoRNAs to advance metallomics, metabolomics and glycomics for medical diagnosis, imaging and therapy in neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, and cancers.
- Employing principles from biology for directed assembly of nanomaterials with controlled morphologies and its applications in imaging and nanomedicine.
Mit Naik
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Discovery of intralayer charge transfer moiré excitons.
- Pristine unit-cell matrix projection (PUMP) method.
- Structural reconstructions drive moiré exciton localization.
Delia Milliron
Professor, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Interests
- Semiconductor Nanocrystal Plasmonics.
- Electrochemical Nanomaterials.
- Nanocrystal Assembly and Integration..
Narayana Aluru
Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
- Computational Nanotechnology (Nanofluidics, NEMS, and Bio-Nano)
- Computational Physics, Soft Matter
- Computational Microtechnology (MEMS, Bio-MEMS, and Microfluidics)
Mark Raizen
Professor, Department of Physics
Research Interests
- Generation of Scalable Quantum Entanglement.
- Comprehensive Control of Atomic and Molecular Motion.
- Trapping of Atomic Hydrogen Isotopes.
- Applications to New Materials and Processes.
- Optical Trapping and Cooling of Glass Microspheres.
Tanya Hutter
Assistant Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests
- Chemical sensing, gas sensing and bio-sensing, diagnostic medical sensors, detectors and devices, nanomaterials and photonics.